Energetic Osteopathy

    Within the energetic osteopathy, next to the techniques of classical osteopathy, I also have energetic healing methods for the treatment of my clients at my disposal.  Additionally my knowledge and techniques in the field of TCVM including acupuncture are part of every treatment. These methods complement each other in a unique way.

    By employing the techniques of energetic osteopathy and TCVM, I can help your horse even more efficiently and substantially.


    Schedule appointment

    Thank you so much for having taken the time to visit my website. Maybe you have found my website by chance while browsing the web, or your horse currently has a problem and you are actively looking for help. Whatever the case may be, please take your time and have a look around and get informed about the unique approach of energetic osteopathy. If you have any questions or if you think my services could be of use for your horse, please feel free to contact me.

    Yours Stéphanie

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