
Fascias play an important role in the well-being of our horses. The reason for this is, that they connect all parts of the body with each other. This way, the locomotive system, the skull and the spinal cord, as well as the inner organs are all bound together in one big net – a functional unit/system. The fundamental idea is thus that everything in our body is connected by connective tissue, which spreads like a net throughout the entire body. This tissue units everything in one big whole. Fascias clearly have a very important role to play within our bodies. This is especially the case in muscular transmission, the immune defense, body perception & awareness, as well as by experiencing pain symptoms.

Osteopathy has recognized the important task of fascias within th entire organism already early on. Therefore, fascial osteopathy is fully dedicated to the treament of connective tissue.

Fascias can disturb the balance of the entire physical system.

Fascias are connective tissue that constitute a continuous connected layer and wrapping within the body. A fine net made up from fascia runs throughout the entire body. It is their task to connect different body parts. Due to this connectivity, fascias are able to pass on muscular tensions from one part to another and thereby disturb the balance of the entire body.

In case of a restriction in mobility of the fascia, the cell metabolism, the lymph drainage and the immune defense are compromised.

They envelope all muscles, organs, blood vessels and nerves. Furthermore, they separate the body into individual segments. Fascias can become hard or stick to each other, skin or muscles. This is due to scars, inflammation or traumata. If fascias are restricted in their mobility and ability to shift the entire body is affected. In case of a restriction in mobility of the fascia, the cell metabolism, the lymph drainage and the immune defense are compromised. This will lead to restrictions of the musculoskeletal system.

Due to the high importance of fascia in the body of the horse, fascial treatment is always part of my normal treatment (energetic osteopathy). You would like to read more.

If you would like to get more information on this interesting topic of connective tissue, here us an interesting article with further information (Please note: The article is written in German).

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